Police – City of DuBois (2025)

Police – City of DuBois (1)

Monday — Friday 8AM - 4PM




The City of DuBois is located in the northwest corner of Clearfield County, which is located in the west central part of Pennsylvania. Prior to the police department being established in 1876, the duty of protecting the citizens and the enforcement of laws in DuBois were handled by night watchman and constables.

Today, the City of DuBois Police Department is a full service agency providing coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The officers are scheduled on rating shifts, and each shift is staffed with a Patrol Sergeant or Corporal that is in charge of the supervision of the shift. Each supervisor also assists in the administration of the department by having additional duties assigned.

Our department responds to and investigates over 11,000 calls for service per year, making the department the busiest police agency in the Tri-County Area. We take pride in our officers and their ability to handle these calls because of their specialized training, experience and dedication to the safety of the residents and visitors to our community.

Email the department at : [emailprotected] or find more contact information on our contact us page.

Police – City of DuBois (2)

Our Motto

PROTECT and SERVE with Integrity, Professionalism, and Vigilance.

DCPD Mission Statement

The City of DuBois Police Department and the Office of the Chief of Police are committed to working with the community to prevent and detect crime, protect life and property, and achieve a peaceful city, free from the fear of crime and disorder. This will be achieved through our department values of Accountability, Transparency, Communications, Proactive Crime Prevention, Training, and Moral Courage.

Chief of Police Mission Statement

This office commits to everyone who Lives, Works, or Travels within the City of DuBois, that all the Police Officers who work for this department are Trained, Proactive, Compassionate, and Respectful. I also commit to all of my officers with support, the most updated safety equipment, safe work environment, and ongoing training.


Programs Offered

MedReturn Drug Collection Unit

MedReturn Drug Collection is a safe prescription drug disposal system to collect unwanted or expired household prescription, over-the-counter and other unused medications. We can collect unused household medications with the MedReturn Drug Collection Unit, and our unit is located in our lobby. The MedReturn Drug Collection Unit provides an easy-to-use community drug collection receptacle for take back programs.

Officer Phil Program

The Officer Phil Program teaches children about stranger danger, the negative effects of bullying, internet safety and respect for authority figures. This program also encourages positive behavior like honesty, friendship, being a buddy not a bully, civic responsibility and knowing what to do in an emergency just to name a few. In many cases, the program has been credited with saving children's lives.
Click Here to learn more about Officer Phil

Project ChildSafe

Project ChildSafe is a nationwide program that promotes safe firearms handling and storage practices among all firearm owners through the distribution of safety education messages and free firearm Safety Kits. Since 2003, the Project has partnered with local law enforcement agencies to distribute more than 36 million safety kits to gun owners in all 50 states and five U.S. territories.
Click Here to learn more about Project ChildSafe

"A Child is Missing" Alert System

A Child is Missing (ACIM) is devoted to assisting law enforcement in the search and early safe recovery efforts of children, the elderly (often with Alzheimer's), disabled persons and college students via a rapid-response neighborhood alert program utilizing high-tech telephony systems.
The Elderly - Often with Alzheimer's and Dementia: two dreaded diseases of the elderly. They tend to wander off and often think they are going to go 'home'. That 'home' may be states away. They can get seriously injured while wandering off, which can include falling into a body of water.
Click Here to learn more about ACIM

Child ID Kits - Your Safe Child

DuBois City Police offers a program that teaches you how to keep your children safe. For example, request a Child Safe Kit today and record your child's vital statistics and medical information in a safe place. If your child is reported missing, you will immediately have all the important information about your child that will help your authorities find them.

Operation Safe Stop

Operation Safe Stop is a public awareness and enforcement effort to education the motoring public that passing a stopped school bus, when children are loading or unloading, is both dangerous and illegal. Each year, through Operation Safe Stop, law enforcement agencies, school transportaiton providers, pupil transporation associations and PennDOT have combined their efforts to raise public awareness about the potential consequences and reduce the occurrence of illegal school bus passes.
Click Here to learn more about Operation Safe Stop

Ride Along Program

DuBois City Police offers a Ride Along program that was developed to assist University and High School students with various school/college sanctioned research projects. Other citizens of the region may also participate in this program. Generally, persons participating in the program should be 16 years of age or older.
Contact us About our Ride Along Program


The City of DuBois Police Department fleet of vehicles consists of marked and unmarked vehicles, 5 Dodge Charges, 2 Ford Expeditions, and 1 Ford F-150. Several years ago, we changed over to the traditional black & white marked vehicles. We also utilize 2 police bikes during special events.

Police – City of DuBois (3)

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Police – City of DuBois (2025)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.