St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)


J. KUEFLER REALTOR fMP. and also residential and EXPLORE SSg ty SyvoeHM M. DwoJI, Pfe and tvelytt M. Dim, PkA.

GOLDErV ix i nuu tr 1 HAVE ready buyers 2-3-4 bedroom homes. HON! HEAL.TORS Dial BL 1-7902 Sporting Goods BOAT PaJntiTrSearers, fiberglass clotS ft Resin. Prom Marine, Sauk Rapid. MEADOW for rent, BL 1-6043. GOOD heavy oats for ale! Jerome Lentner, Rice.

Tel. Gilman Elgin 5- 3348. EGGS I I fan rvrwv!j him. MM, suouriidn luia. ol I SKir II T- 1 I fOUK -I ri WtmXJmn PASTURE sod.

BL 1-7644. MIXED meadow hay, stummage, near FOR SALE: 12 ft. metal boat with oars, cheap, Maytag Shop. 2 OR 3 bdrm. home, small down pay eys station, 1-6617 RIGHT CltfC MEDICAL 2ND cutting alfaUa hay, will be baling about the 25th and 26th of July, Leo Trushenski, mi.

No. of Popple Creek. CAHE TO THE GEP. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AMERICAN LEAGUE Kansas City 9 9 1 Washington 4 7 3 AMP THEY'LL 8E FAST ski boat, 40 H.P. Mercury, Arista-craft 12" runabout and trailer, excellent condition, $535, Carl Bensen, BL 1-0767.

ii.Pgeott Atwater. like new, also carriage, BL 1-6418. For Sale Misc. ment, state location price. Write A-lt Times.

CITY gas space heater, BL2-1. BOTLF. gas regulator. BL 1 383. ALFALFA hay, baled or standing, BL 171 32.

2 OR 3 burner bottle gas plate. BL 1-3S2. OUTSIDE toilets. Write A co Time. PLYMOUTH station model SO to 58, BL 1-3008.

tEAUTIFUL wooded lots in Woodland Hills. Easy terms. Honer Agency BL 1-TO02 CORNER on Hth Ave No BL 1-2650 LGE. Fernwood lot, BL 1-8881 LOT 3. Block 228.

S. E. St. Cloud, has sewer East front, $400. Edgar Cater BL 1-0826.

i uis St Investments TOO many payments bothering you? See us for a CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONE small monthly payment Citizens Loan and Investment 505 ft. Germain Dial BL 1-6422. sp Household Goods USED reconditioned ranges. Refrigerator and Washer, Powell Hardware. USED refrigerators, ill size, guaran DIAL BL 1-3121 Before 9 A.M.

i tlm UM lac 1 time lint 14c timea a Una 13c time Um Uc rbeM ratra apply to artijlni that oonaiat of 3 line or mora Ooe-Une adi are ISc each insertion No order accepted (or leu Ulan 70c. Rites aubject to 10 percent discount (or eaafe on ali oarea of 70c or mora Card of thanks are run eg classified p( and era cbarfed at a minimum one of 11.50 per Insertion Classified Diaplaj Rata 1 tint: per inch 2 timea. ner toe 1.05 i times, per Inch lo0 I timea. per Inch as IMPORTANT NOTICK TO READERS No order accepted (or less than two inches. Rata subject to It percent eaab discount.

Readers are respectfully requested NOT TO ASK Daily Times employees for the names and addresses of Classified Advertisers using Box Numbers The Dally Times In accepting these atfver tisem*nts la pledged to guard the confidence of the advertisers and its employe are strictly prohibited from violating that trust. Reader cooperating accordingly will thus avoid embarrassment (or Daily Times employees and tb necessity ol having the Information efused them. Only outlined display type 1 allowed the classified page and that same la charged at the same rate for the teed. PFLEPSEN'S, BL 2-1811. FINANCE the purchase of your fumi ture, new or used, at Citizens Loan For Sale or Trade 20 CU.

ft. deepfreeze, sell or trade for outboard motor, smaller deepfreeze, refrigerator or what have you. BL 1-2349. Houses for Sale and Investment 505-St. Germain, BL 1-6422 Mobile Homee Musical Instrument Houses for Sale CONTRACT lor Deed.

interest return on $9,000. Investment. Excellent risk, guaranteed Title. Write A-22 co Times for complete irormatlon. $3,000 at 7, witlTcoUateral.

WriteA-I co Times. U.S. Officials Call Ezhov Case Example of Hippocracy USED refrigerators, reconditioned and guaranteed. BeU Fuel and AppUance STRUCTURAL Steel, various shapes, new and used. Pipe and fittings, new and used, all sizes.

Trojan Mfg. Co. NEW and used structural steel pipe and fittings. Gopher Lumber si Supply Co. MOTORS) BELTS and Pulleys, complete.

Granite City Electric Co. GUARANTEED Used Watches Ladlea, Men's, $4.95 up. Schepers Jewelry 4Q9-E. St. Germ.

Next Jo Crli Mkt. WE CAN loan you enough money to buy anything on this page. DOWN PAYMENT loans for homes available CITIZENS LOAN INVESTMENT CO. 505-St. Germain BL 1-6422 Sauk Rapids, BL 1-7434.

NEED money for a house down payment. See or call Citizens Loan and Investment Co. 505 St. Germain Dial BL 1-6422. PIANOS, Organs, best known makes, new and used.

Buy or rent Murphy Music Co. 14-7th Ave So. USED furniture and appUances, clothing HOUSES Young Agency. Dial BL 1-1801. RELIABLE Insurance 4i Real "Estate.

201 St. Mary's Bldg. BL 1-2404. NELSON HOMES, BL 1-8948 Funeral Directors and shoes. Rapids Trading Post, BL 1-5209, 130-2nd Ave.

Sauk Rapids. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. IV. story, IVi bath, coal furnace. 4 car 107-12U) Ave.

No. MATTRESS rebuilding of aU kinds, also coU springs coinverted into modem Apartments-Flats ALL furn. mod. for girls in new Jmme.Prtv. bath ent.

301-8th Ave, S. NICELY (urn. aduJt7 Tnn 356-3rd Ave. So, LGE. 2 2nd floorapC SeatT water, stove at Court 4th Ave.

BL 1-7809, BL 1-6093. 3 RM. stove, heat water. 870, 320-7th Ave. 80,.

BL 1-6889. MOD. 1515 2nd St7No. new box springs. Dial BL 1-5771.

HAMMOND Organ Studios, St. Cloud's exclusive Hammond Organ dealer, new at used, 802-St. Germ. USED accordions, organs, pianos. Albany Music Center.

Ph. 5-4605, Exclusive dealer of Thomas Organs. SpTneT piano, exc. cona7 $1257 24 15th Ave. No.

FRESH paint, Reine, 633-E. St. Germ. TSCHUMPERLTN-WILLIAMS 315 St. Germain Dial BL 2-2522 DANIEL FUNERAL HOME ll-7th Ave No.

Dili BL 1-0383 COLBERT FUNERAL HOME 18-5th Ave. So. Dial BL 2-1020 FOR beauty comfort, add distinctive AWNINGS to your home. St. Cloud Tent Awning BL 1-0922.

STEEL, Clothes Poles. BlT-3680, 11-2nd Ave. N. E. Trojan Mfg.

Co. CIHETTNE" POLES $13. BL 1-3080 WASHINGTON AP) U. S. officials today saw the newest Soviet spy case as further evidence of the Kremlin conducting widespread espionage while professing peace and accusing the West of aggressive acts.

The expulsion of Petr Y. Ezhov for spying, announced Friday, was the 12th ouster of a Soviet diplomat from the United States in 10 years. Authorities said the expulsion was ordered after thorough evidence was collected against Ezhov. rather than being deliberately timed as a counterpunch to Moscow's propaganda on the downed American U2 and RB47 reconnaissance planes. They did not expect the Soviets to retaliate by booting out an NEW FURNITURE AT SUPER MARKET PRICES YOUR USED FURNITURE WELCOME IN TRADE ON NEW HASBROUCK'S FURNITURE MART.

842-East St. Germ. BL 1-9979 ACROSS FROM LEADER MOTEL MIDWEST TRAILER SALES LARGEST stock of new and used trailer homes In the northwest, as low as $200 dn 7 years to pay. Open Eve. to 9:00 p.m.

Dial BL 1-8292. Hwy. 10 South St. Cloud. "13 ACRES MOST Modern Finest -Mobilehome Park CLOVERLEAF PARK 150 NO On Hwy.

10. BL 1-9917 "ROLLOHOME" Sales Service rOJSREAL LIVING LIVE WITH US 1957 RICHARDSON Mobile" HbmeT Call BL 2-3686 or 3308-3rd Street No. erapec1XlprIce 3 55x10, storm windows, 1060 furnace, carpet, cod wiring It plumbing. ST. CLOUD TRAILER SALES Hwy.

23 52 West 1958, 43 ft. Schultz, with 8x9 entry, way, Cecil Peterson, Clear Lake. Minn. RI 3-3025. Hall, Johnson '61 and P.

Daley; Woodeshick, Hernandez 151, Lee '6i, Stobbs u)), Moore '9 and Battey. Hall. LWoodeshick. Chicago is 0 New York 5 9 0 Wynn, Lown (4), Baumann (5) and Lollar; Turley, Shantz (4), James (5), Maas (7) and Berra, Blanchard (9). Baumann.

Turley. Cleveland 4 11 1 Boston 6 10 0 Grant, Stigman (5), Klippstein (8) and Foiles; DeLock, Fornieles 7) and Nixon W-DeLock. Grant. Detroit 17 2 Baltimore 2 6 0 Burnside, Labine (7) and Wilson, Berberet; Barber, Fisher (3) and Triandos. Fisher.

Burnside. NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee 7 11 0 Chicago 8 9 0 Burdette, Jay (6) and Crandall; Freeman, Elslon (5), Schaffer-noth 191 and Tappe. Elston. Burdette. St.

Louis 8 11 0 Cincinnati 3 6 2 Simmons and Smith; Nuxhall, McLish 3), Grim 18) and Dot-terer. Nuxhall. Real Estate Livestock Markets KENMORE auto, washer, with suds- spsce occupied. Count 13 lines to the USED plumbing fixtures, doors, windows, screens misc, items, Venetian blinds and a Martin 60 motor. Thienes 356-3rd Ave.

hours 2 to 6. feels, help us understand how the common man of other countries feels and thinks. Good relationships with other peoples depend largely upon knowing what other peoples eat and wear, how they behave, what they seriously and, most important, their basic attitudes toward life. inch. saver.

BL 2-3159. 12x13 BlCK wtdt tweed ntf heavy rubber pad. BL 1-3536. The Times wtO not be responsible for more than the first Incorrect insertion ACRES in city, borders on Hwy. 152.

EDGAR CATER BL 1-0826 4 BEDROOM older home, excellent cond. Good location. Offers many good features. For complete details, call BL 1-7717. Occupancy Sept.

1st. 3 RM. house, running water, clots to Franklin, $1,050, toq. at 835-34th Ave. N.

INCOME property, 1 yr. old, 2 family pacious home, 6 2 baths, 18 closets, 2 Ige. with built-ins, att. on acre lot. NEW 3 bdrm.

ramblers, att. 2 baths partitioned Ige. with built-in stove, oven, freezer, Ige. sodded lot with trees. Call builder, BL FOR SALE by Owner home, with kitchen, liv.

din. rm. bath, all rooms newly redecorated wall to wall carpeting in liv. room li dining room, close to hospital, church school, bus line. Call evenings BL 2-3599, Myrel A.

Tuey, 1269-llth Ave. St. Cloud, Minn. STORY home, dble. with acre land, in Hay ward Park, BL 2-1268.

of any classified ad ordered (or more GOOD used refrig. elec. range, $30 than one Um RAILINGS Columns for safety and beauty of your home. Large Selection Free Catalog. WESCO PRODUCTS CO.

3900 Division, BL 1-3817. 2x4x8, used. Xr'l35-24th Ave7So. each, 1003-llth Ave. No.

MOD. (urn. gents, BL 1-9586. LGE. liv, rm din.

bdrm bath, stove, refrig. hot water 302-8th Ave. So. 1 avail. Sept.

1st. BL 1-2016, MOD. all furn. close in, couple or 3 girls, BL 1-9586. GIRL to share 426-9th Ave.

So. 2 LGE. partly(urn. 4TSks71o SL working girls or young couple avail, Aug. 1, $33 per BL 2-4141.

ALL mod. 2 stove 7refirTgT avail. Aug. 1st, BL 2-5996. DOWNSTAIB7sapt.

Adults only7Avaii" Aug, 1st. 5-6th Ave. Sauk Rapids. Call after 6 p.m. Houses for Sale FOR SALE, Stauffer reducing couch, used very little, good $140 cash.

Call between 4-5. BL 1-0798. TV Comic to be Promoted To Producer Next Month 1. Give medical care to the aged and they'll be satisfied! Wrong. People of all ages need to feel they belong, and that they can contribute something as they go along.

Older people deprived of real work often become discontented and unhappy. They need to feel that they have a useful place in society rather than that they are just taken care of. More than anything else older people need to feel needed. 2. How many teenagers want to benefit the world? A rousing 80r: of all the thousands of high school students who participated in a recent nationwide poll said that if given the chance they would do something to benefit the world.

Both boys LIKE new. frig, emperial cold Pantry BY OWNER: Story V4 home. S.E. loc. Bath Vu garage, all oak trim, alum, storm screens.

BL 2-4966. refrig. freezer 843-28th Ave. EARL'S WELDING SUPPLY COMPRESSED welding gases, electric as gas welding supplies, torch sets, complete, $99.00, Located 2 blks. West of Waite Park Viaduct, Netter Machine building, BL 2-5494.

Also open most evenings and Sat. Notices COLORS and softness are renewed in carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Fan- will mastermind the new Spike del's Dept. Store. FRUIT 4 T4051 OPEN evenings, Reine, 633 E.

St. Germ I YILI. not be responsible for any bills CLASSIFIED AD REPLIES As service to advertisers, The Dally Times publishes dally the aumbera ol boxes which contain mail Z-9 13 24 31 33 39 43 A-33 The abov box contained re. plies at 10 a.m. today.

Advertisers are requested to call (er their mall as soon as possible The Daily Times reserves the right to destroy mail not called (or within 30 days. BEST offer takes, leaving city, must SHOES, cheap, Reine, 633 East St. Germ. RASPBERRIES, BLJI9rcWtJ pTim 43" 58" screens windows, BL 2-1663. sell, 6 mo.

old Kenmore auto, suds other than contracted for by myself Signed: Nick Nodo, Rice. Minn, saver, rug, desk and cabinets, 150-24th 1 GIRL to share furn. apt.r BL 2-5817, beiL6' m- Ave- No-LGE. 2 bdrm. refrig.7Tnge7auto7 and water lum.

Gar. Adults preferred, $90 mo. No pets. For details rail BL 1-1540. Ave.

side door. Fire Damages Tractor on Buffalo Farm BUFFALO A large tractor was "one mass of flames" when fireman arrived at the Ronold Denny farm Tuesday. The tractor was badly damaged by the fire. The fire started about 1:30 p.m. as the tractor was being used to rake hay.

Tires and wiring burned but the gasoline did not catch fire. NEW 2 3 bdrm. homes, BL 1-0638. BY OWOTRTTeaving Htyrmc4. design, 2 5 yrs.

old. 624-4th Ave. N. E. JUST ONE LEFT $1025 DOWN BEING Completed Now.

Attractive 2 bdrm. Bungalow, with fuU automatic gas heat, 30 gal. gas water heater, large corner lot, sewer paved street in and paid for. Possession Aug. 20th.

Total price $10,625.00, $1025.00 Down, $75.00 per month. DON'T Miss this Tremendous Buy. Dial BL 2-2363. GEO. T.

CONDON REALTOR 1600 St. Germain Eve. Dial BL 1-8213 JUST LISTED IN SARTELL 1 BR, LR, kit. bath. No 2 blks.

from cathoUc church, neat, clean in good well landscaped lot. $4,500. S800 down, $60 mo. 1ST TIME OFFERED $1,500 DOWN 3 BR, LR, DR. full all large hardwood throughout, a good large family home, in good cond.

Also has small income property which brings in $20 monthly, 2nd Ave. Sauk Rapids, $12,300. 1ST TIME OFFERED $1,000 DOWN 3 BR, 2 up, 1 down, bath down, oil neat and clean as a pin, large 100 ft. weU, landscaped lot. North Broadway, Sauk Rapids, $9,000, $75 mo.

3 BR, fuU older home, in good good loc, 6th Ave. $6,000. 3 BR on 2 acres land, new kit. cupboards, good outskirts, $7,200, Michigan Ave. So.E.

2 BR, expandable upstairs, Ige. front porch, A near hospital, $11,700, 6th Ave. No. 1 BR, all except $25 yearly tax, 230x264 ft. lot, Hayward Park, $5,500, 3 BR 1160 sq.

ft. weU arranged home with fireplace, 8 Ige. closets, kit. and DR, hot water Ige. att.

well landscaped corner lot, 2nd Ave. Sauk Rapids, $18,000. Terms. 3 BR 1 yr. old, buUt-ln vanity in bath, 130 ft.

lot on outskirts of Michigan Ave. So.E., low taxes, $15,500. 2 BR, fuU 2 lots, dble, 2nd St. Sauk Rapids, $6,300. $800 down, $60 monthly.

OTHER Homes to $40,000. "Don" SCHNEIDER REALTOR BL 1-6951 BY OWNER: Classy, 3 on south side, must see to appreciate, top 1V4 baths, finished basem*nt, 2 car garage, hot water heat, FHA loan with $2,500 down. CaU for BL 1-4153. BY OWNER: 2 carpeted Uv. gat.

oU heat, close to church school, in Sauk Rapids, $11,900, BL 1-6286. BYOWNER: Take over VA GI loan, near college, 2 liv. kit. and bath for owner downstairs, plus room for 8 students on 2nd floor, on iVn lots, dble. gar.

Call afternoons or evenings for app't. BL 2-5360. Lost and Found I ST. PAUL LIVESTOCK SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn.

(AP Cattle, calves, compared close last week: slaughter steers and heifers about steady; cows weak to 50 lower; bulls steady; few lots high choice and prime slaughter steers 26.00; good and choice prime 906 lb heifers 26.00; bulk good and choice 21.00-24.50; utility and commercial cows largely 15.50-17.00; oanncrs and cutters 13.50-15.00; utility bulls 19.00-21.00; commercial and good IS. vealers and slaughter calves 1.00-2.00 lower; good and choice vealers 25.00-28.00; good and choice slaughter calves 20.00-24.00; stocker and feeder classes dull, about steady; good and choice 688 lb. stock steers 24.50; good and choice feeder steers 23.00; medium auid good stock cows 14.00-16.50. Hogs, compared close last week: barrows and gilts and sows largely 25 higher; feeder pigs strong to 50 higher; late sales 1 and 1 and 2 around 190-240 lb barrows and gilts Including sorted lots 18.25-18.75; week's top for some mostly 1 19.00, highest since December 1958; mixed, 2 and 3 190-250 lb barrows and gilts 18.00-18.25; mixed 2 and 3 250-270 lbs 17.25-18.00; 270-300 lbs. 18.75-17.50; 1, 2 and 3 270-400 lb sows 14.25-16.25; 2 and 3 400-550 lbs good 130-160 lb feeder pigs 16.50 17.00.

Sheep, compared close last week; laughter lambs strong to 25 higher; laughter ewes 50 lower; feeder lambs weak to 50 lower; choice and prime 85-105 lb spring slaughter lambs good to mostly choice yearlings 16.50-17.50; good and choice shorn ewes 4.50-5.00; good and choice feeder lambs ie.oo-n.oo. Farm Machinery HOT ZIGGITY LOOK AT THIS LISTING! AN older home, located in the college area, on 6th Ave. South. Owner must move to new appointment. Lovely yard, garage, 3 bedrooms and bath up, with newly decorated living and dining room.

All this plus an "impossible to get" loan of $9500, with monthly payments of $75.00. $13,000 asking price. TAKE YOUR PICK AT $10,500 27TH AVE. NORTH VA STORY, 4 bedroom home, on an 84 FOUND, A place to bring your money Philadelphia 0 4 0 American diplomat, although Moscow has expel'ed seven U. S.

Embassy personnel on spy charges in the past decade. Ezhov, like another Soviet diplomat since expelled, was reportedly undertaking his undercover activities in part during the time when Premier Nikita Khrushchev-visited the United States last September as an honored guest. The State Department said Ezhov, 39, a Soviet Embassy third secretary, was engaged for months in getting aerial photographs of American cities and defense installations. The department gave this account in saying Ezhov, a press aide, "flagrantly abused his diplomatic status by engaging in espionage Ezhov paid a commercial photographer to take pictures of selected sites from a private plane. While under FBI surveillance, he gave the man more than a thousand dollars.

He also paid for flying lessons for the photographer and hinted the Soviets would buy him a plane so he could carry out further aerial reconnaissance. Photos included pictures of U. S. Navy installations and what the department called "other intelligence targets," said to be mostly along the East Coast. Soviet diplomats, in retaliation for similar restrictions against U.

S. envoys in the Soviet Union, are forbidden to acquire such photographs. The pictures were reported not available on the open market. Ezhov apparently carried on operations organized several years ago by another Soviet diplomat, Vladimir F. Glinsky, a former assistant naval attache at the Soviet Embassy.

Informants said Glinsky left for Moscow before getting caught in his spying. Records Fall in Men's AAU Swim Championships TOLDEO, Ohio AP) More records were certain to go tumbling today as the nation's top young stars swung into the second day of the AAU National Men's Swimming and Diving Championships. There were three swimming events Friday and new records are up for acceptance in all of them. That acceptance is a mere formality. Diving competition, always one of this country's strong points in the Olympic Games, was an overwhelming triumph for Mike Pep-pe's team from Ohio State.

But the big surprise came in the swimming events the 100-meter freestyle, where Jeff Farrell hung up a new American record for recognition, the 400-meter individual medley in which Dennis Rounsavelle bettered the world mark, and the freestyle, where George Breen lowered his Olympic record time. Rounsavelle, a Southern California junior who will be 20 next month, splashed home in a blazing 5:04.5 in the 400-meter medley. That's more than four seconds tinder the world record set last year hy Scotland's Ian Black. Black. Farrell, a two-time winner in the AAU meet last year, lowered the American standard with a 54.8 time in the 100-meter freestyle.

Jon Henricks" 55.7 mark is the Current accepted record. Breen, 25, streaked home a winner in record time in the freestyle. His 17:33.5 was 18.5 seconds under his own Olympic record set in 1956. Sam Hall, who was graduated in June from Ohio State, scored 477.80 points in the three-meter diving. OSU teammate Don Harper, the defending champion, was second.

The first-day record breaking caused Dr. Harold Henning to say, "The swimming and diving team that the United States will send to Rome this summer will be much stronger than any of us expected." Dr. Henning is chairman of the Men's AAU Swimming FARM MACHINERY at prices you can afford to pay, Dingman-Arnold Implement, St. Cloud. 4 HM.

prlv. ent. bath, BL 2-1663" NEWLY redecorated furn. 2 btk. No.

0 Court House. $50, including gas. heat lights, working girl or woman prefered, BL 1-8537. NICE 2 rm. furn, or unfurn.

398-5th Ave, go. FURN. I bdrm. 2315th Ave. So." problems, large or small loans for any purpose at low -ost to you See Citizens Loan It Investment Co-.

505 St Gar main Street. Dial BL 1-4422 STOLEN lost: Irish (setter. reward" BL 2-3311. By JAMES BACON AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD i AP) One of television's new comics, Bill I My Name Is Jose Jimenez) Dana, gets promoted to producer next month. Dana was the spurious but hilarious wetback with Steve Allen's stock company last season.

Dana, a genuine funnyman, got lots of laughs by just announcing his name in the plaintive style of a Mexican peon. Much of his comic forte was transposing the J's and H's a la Espanol. For instance, he described Israel as a country where "the Hewish people speak Je-brew." The Allen show is no more, but Dana, once a top comedy writer, GEHL Field Chopper, good BL 1-3379. and girls, those from high and low status, from rural as well as urban communities and from Protestant and Catholic families wanted to benefit mankind in about equal numbers. More Juniors and Seniors were sure of their convictions on this than Los Angeles 2 7 0 Conley, Farrell (8) and Dalrym-ple; Drysdale and Roseboro.

Conley. Pittsburgh 4 6 0 Wanted Male or Female Help RUMMAGE Sale: Clothing, furni. misc. At the Thrift Shop, 121-7th Ave. S.E.

Open Fri. 9 to 5. 7 SPECIAL! SAVE NEW and rebuilt elec. motors, rewinding and repairing, all work guaranteed, single phase, Yt, Vs, Vi, IHP, Vi H.P., 2 H.P., 4 H.P., in stock at exchange prices. H.P.

3450 RPM, H.P. 3460 RPM, ideal for saws, bench grinders, bench saws, skill saws, air compressors, barn fans and pumps. Vi H.P. elec. lawn mower motors switch, 2 speed fans.

ST. JOE ELECTRIC MOTORS St, Joseph, Minn. CHAiWELAngies, pipe, pTate71iew fc used. Midway Iron Metal Co, 648-LincoIn Ave. N.

E. '48 2 speed $123. "FOR SALE 90 pieces sound used 2x12 LOST: 1 pr. Water Skiis at Wilson Park, FOR RENT Upstairs apartment on 7th 24 ft. long, 250 Cedar fence posts, 7c foot lot, with a nice 13x16 living room Roomy 13x14 kitchen.

$58.00 taxes. Owl Has (BalV San Francisco 19 2 Newly decorated kitchen living room 1 bedroom-bath and sleeping porch. $75.00 a mo, Available Aug. 1st. Call Andy Hamm at BL 2-2787.

Want to hear more? Call us. 26TH AVENUE NORTH WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF OFFICE AND SALES OPENINGS ALL APPLICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL NORTH STAR EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 301 Shanedlingk Bldg. 7th and St. Germain Sophom*ores a most encouraging sign. A REAL Honey-2 bedrooms, 12x16 liv- In Poultry House BL 1-8232.

LOST: At Wilson Park, billfold, papers and pictures cannot be replaced, generous reward plus money in billfold, Please call BL 1-5858. No questions asked. LOST Brown leather billfold, on corner ol 33rd Ir 3rd St. In or about grocery slore, good reward, BL 1-4516. brtajTpTpe 31st Ave.

pay for the ad. BEAUTIFUL upper, healed, in Oakdale Jones TV show. He will recreate Jose Jimenez for Spike. "I am jappy to say that the boss likes heem," says Jose of Bill the producer. Dana has an album out of his spots of the Allen show.

It proves that a genuine funnyman needs no clever lines to get laughs. The spots, in chronological order, show that Dana got guffaws at the start of the season by saying "My name is Jose Jimenez." By midseason, the yoks came by the time he got to "my name At the windup, laughs came the minute the audience sav his face. It's a type of comedy reminiscent of Joe (Wanna Buy a Duck) Pen-ner. Dana, a Hungarian from Quincy got the idea for Jose in Puerto Rico, not Mexico. "I met a nice chap down there who told me he was the Dutch representative.

I asked: 'Are you a consul general for the he answered. 'I am the Dutch I kept pressing him about the Netherlands. Finally, he threw up his arms. each; one 30 H.P.. one 20 H.P., two 5 H.P.

Electric Motors, all 3-phase, one corn sheller with electric motor, one 30 ft. Elevator leg complete; also Leghorn and California-White six, seven, eight weeks old. Little Falls Hatcheries. little Falls, Minn. 1-1950-60 Allis combine, with PTO and Scour Kleen, $400.

Art Christman, Rt. 2, St. Cloud. BL 1-4250. McCormick Deering threshing machine.

See Mike Weber, Luxemburg. .) rms, bath, adults only, BL 2-3119, 3. Do our foreign correspond- Rflffnln ArPCt ents keen us well informed? UUI I UlU 4 iitU 3zi cooper Ave. BL 1-1365. 2 ground floor south side.

ing room, plus a lovely kitchen, and neat as a pin throughout Only 4 years old. HAMM KROLL, INC. 1400 St. Germain Street Office BL 2-2787 or BL 1-6670 BL 1-2922 BL 2-5418 PRICE REDUCED YOUNG married couple to do general farm work, experience necessary, Earl McDonald, IV. miles West of Hutchinson, Minn.

Ph. 82117. RIDING lawn "mower, call BL 1-3733. NEW $140 wheel chair, (aeriHcing for $60. Can be seen at 1011-6th Ave.

BL 1-5715. avail. Aug. 1st. $70 a mo.

Also have a 3 bdrm. (or more Inform, call: F. HONER AGENCY 12-1014 Ave, So. BL 1-7902 or HL 1-6950 Mizell and Smith; McCormick, Miller 8) and Schmidt. L-Mc-Cormick.

AMERICAN ASSN. St. Paul 14 0 Minneapolis 7 12 1 Golden, Fowler '2) and Friol; Schwall and Tillman. Golden. Denver 0 3 0 Houston 17 1 Gladding.

Kaiser (8 and Roarke: Drabowski and Noble. No, says Dr. A. W. Griswold of Yale University.

He claims that they have given entirely too much attention to political developments. Instead, thev should, he COUNTRY home, 4 downstairs, LOST: Billfold. BL 2-1807 for reward. LOST Ladies' billfold, Friday "uptown. Reward.

BL 1-1613. LOST: Small black li white dog, child's pet, for reward call BL 1-9378. Wanted Sit. Male THIS 1 yr. old spacious 3 bdrm.

rmblr. Produce Markets close to town, partly mod, and partly (urn. BL 2-5813. RM. with "bath.

avail Ann. 1st. BL 2-5813. SEE the new 1961 McCulloch chain saws, $149.95 up, used chain saws, $25 st up, complete parts service. Midway Motorcycle Co.

USED windows, screens, doors! storms, misc lumber, BL 1-5717. has 1275 sq. with din. 19x 12'6" liv. drilled well, setting on acre lot, low taxes, $87.

Now reduced to $15,500. River View Addition. 15TH AVE. NO. BUFFALO A horned owl is reported to have smothered 77 pullets to death and killed one outright on the Bert Johnson farm near here.

The owl worked it way into the brooder house and attacked the birds despite the fact that the lights were on. Johnson trapped the owl when it returned for more the next night. CEMENT carpenter work. BL 1-7833. FOR sealing tile, remodeling, cement steps, sidewalks or what you have, BL 2-3910 World Briefs THIS 2 story, 4 or 5 older home For Rent Misc.

Gladding. is in excellent hot water heating, new a very good buy for $10,900. IN ST. JOSEPH RENT Brand New Pianos. Full Credit you buy From $9 monthly MURPHY MUSIC CO NEW 3 bdrm.

1130 sq. ft. liv. MAN wants work, exp. in truck driving cooking, BL 3-5088.

will work lor 3 tUy a ws. Manual labor. BL 2-1798. HOUSE painting and "repairing, by job or hour, BL 2 4341. NEW LISTINGS! RAMBLER, 4 yrs old, 3 newly carpeted redecorated, oak throughout, part brick front, 75-150 ft.

lot, garage, neat as can be, close to church school, low taxes, priced at $14,900.00, 14th Ave. So. 16TH AVE. SOUTH 11 YEAR old, 2 all full auto, oil heat, 42x125 ft. lot, good location.

Only $10,800.00. Good cond. 5TH AVE. SOUTH LARGE 4 2 story quality, family home, in the very best of 4 large full ceramic tiled bath up. large with nook.

12x26 ft. carpeted liv. 12x13 din. rm. Near new hot water furnace.

Full bsmt. 2' car top location. See this at $25,000.00. ST. GERMAIN STREET SO.

9 YEAR old, 2 24x40 plus att. part finished carpeted Uv. din. beautiful large comer landscaped shaded lot, in excellent $17,800.00, only $1,300 down. Move right in.

19'2 AVE. NORTH LARGE RAMBLER, 3 carpeted liv. basem*nt apartment rents at $70.00 mo. Large lot, 2 car with screened porch. Good buy at $18,000.00.

NORTH ST. CLOUD 4 MILES north, good blacktop road, large beautiful 3 4 year old rambler, large kitchen, shaped carpeted liv. din. rm. Finished basem*nt, 94 ft.

drilled weU, 100x217 ft. shaded lot. This must be seen to be appreciated. Priced at $27,300.00. NORTH HIGHWAY NO.

10 NEW, 26x51, plus 20x24 att. 3 large 12x18 living din. rm. Built-in oven stove, marble fireplace, ash trim, carpeted, finished basem*nt apartment, hot water heat, about 1 acre haded lot, school bus. brick frame front.

A real quality built home, $24,500,00. SAUK RAPIDS 2 all 7 yr. old, well kept home, in excellent carpeted liv. full garage, 50x125 ft. shaded lot, close to church schools.

Only $12,000.00. W. F. HONER AGENCY REALTORS 12-10H Ave. So.

BL 1-7902 Eve. BL 1-1326 or BL 1-6950 Convict Checks His Backlog PORTLAND, Maine 'AP (-Convicted bank robber Theodore 'Teddy) Green, serving time in Alcatraz, has asked a Westbrook, Maine, judge for a rundown on his status there. Municipal Court Judge Francis RUG carpet shampoo machine'do It Indianapolis 2 8 1 Dallas-Fort Worth 4 7 0 Keegan, Qualters (f), Gorman '8) and Smith: Baker. Wright '8) and Leppert. Kee yourself and save! Quality Cleaners area, kit built-ins, oak trim 4 floors, liv.

rm. carpeted, breezeway gar. 82x165 lot. move right in, Only $14,500. HOSPITAL AREA 1946 WC Allis.

with A-l $250. EX 3-3928. ONE Combine No. 64. with pickup and straw spreader attachment, very good has combined betw.

300 and 400 acres, price, $900, always in shed. Call after 4 p.m. or anytime Saturday. Phone 7302, Vance Rose, Becker, Minn. SPECIALIZING in bearings, large stock on hand, wholesale retail.

Bearings Supply St. Cloud SUB zero side loading milk cooler in stock. We sell trade. Bulk Tank. Bearings Supply St.

Cloud, Minn. USED COMBINES 3 USED Case combines, A-6, 6 ft. combine with pickup good cond. 2 USED John Deere No. 25 combines, 6 with pickup straw chopper windrow spreader, good cond.

1 USED John Deere 12-A, six ft. pickup attachment. 1 USED J2 Mpls. MoUne 9 ft. combine.

WILL DELIVER. TEL. NO. LOcust 3-4830 LARSON IMPLEMENT WHEATON, MINN. GARDEN tractor, new all channel TV ant.

Deepjfryer, BL 1-6462. IHC ton air cond. Hunsnger'stF" AveT Market. TV ANTENNA. Will sell for $20.

LidUw shoe roller skates, $10. BL 2-1785. CWHMAN" SCOOTERS 5-8 WE service motorcycles, motor scooters, motor bikes, go-karts and chain saws. MIDWAY MOTORCYCLE CO. 4 CYL.

Wisconsin gas motor, good condT Richmond Sand 4 Gravel Co. 4x10. 44' Wood ft-. RENT Hospital Beds- Wheel WALLINGFORD, England (AP) A coroner ruled Friday that Sir Raymund Hart, one of Britain's walkers, commodes, (rom St. Cloud Hosp.

Supply 24-9tb Ave. No. BL 1-7446. 4 din. 27x15 carpeted liv.

Watab Plumber Files for County 'I am the Dutch representa gan. Farms for Sale M. J. KUFFLER AGENCY 1413 St. Germain BL 1-3652 120 ACRE farm, 70 acres tillable, good heavy soil, modern house, good barn It Ho, other buildings fair, on good road, can arrange terms.

Art Voss, Holdlngford, Minn. 175- A. (arm, 100 crop heavy ioil, large home, dairy barn; incl. 80 rods lakeshore, reasonably priced. Art Myrom Agency, Sauk Centre 165 ACRES, ror mod.

house, adjoining city limits. Lots of Lakeshore, Will sell with or without machinery 8i crop. E. M. Hansgen, Richmond, Minn.

140 ACRES, aiod. t7 er calil-vated, on blk. top road, 16 miles So, o( St. Cloud. $20,000, lerms.

240 ACRES, mod. 110 acres cultivated. One of the better farms in county, $35,000. Terms. East St.

Cloud, 130 ACKF.S, (air 80 acres cultivated, Hnwlus area, $12,000, terms. Wonted Sit. Female SOUTrf SIDE NURgElftY.niLl-5894 WILL give ptano lessons in "my "home. If interested call BL 2-4775 NEW LISTING NO. 1203 -South East Loc, Sept.

1st stucco, 6 room bungalow, den, 2 tile bath, excellent full bsmt. new gas furnace, insulated, corner lot, 55x125. ONLY $13,000. NO. 1140-Immediate Poss.

Southside. 3 Bdrm. rambler. 5 yrs. old, home, 28x 40, lot size, 65x132, alum, storms and screens, tile bath, breezeway wgar-age, 4Vi loan.

ONLY $15,500. NO. 1202-September 1st Poss. Across from Tech High, 4 or 5 bdrm. home, wonderful income property, 1 fuU bath, two Vt baths, city well water, oil heat, garage.

Price, $15,000. NO. 736 Westside, new 3 bdrm. rambler, on 80x125 lot, tile bath wshower in carpeted oil heat, alum, storms and screens. Only $14,900.

No. 2012-Story and half South side. 10 mos. old, 2 carpeted built in oak thru out, finished room in bsmt. wstool, alum, storms priced $1,000 less than FHA appraised.

$14,900 Moves you in. 38TH AVE. NO. radar pioneers, died "a victim of tive. You know, Dutch, Chrysler COMPANY coming? Rnt a roll-a-way or the science he and baby bed from St.

Cloud Hosp Supply 24-9th Ave. BL 1-7446. 1 part a good buy at Charleston 2 9 2 Louisville 5 9 McClain. Urban '7) and Hannah: Hendly and Lopata. $4,500.

WILSON AVE. SO.E. Thailand May Ask For Missile Bases BANGKOK, Thailand 'API Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat Wanted to Borrow 2 STORY, good family older home, has C. Rocheleau said Friday hp got a letter from Green asking whether "any warrants or indictments are currently pending against Salesmen-Agents Commissioner FOLEY Phil Thometz, Watab township plumbing contractor, has announced his candidacy for 1 LP gas tank, 500 BL 1-4101, PREVENT those wormy" apples. Spray now or its too late.

Schwankl, the 4 IVs baths, only $1,000 down, price reduced. FERNWOOD $3,500 at Iff Int. Write Z-35 co Times. nauK Haplds Druggist. THIS fine 2 story, 3 bdrm.

bath up, Ige. liv. rm. carpeted, with fireplace. Hart, 61, was electrocuted while fixing a power line to an electric lawn mower in the garden of his country home last weekend.

Sir Raymund's only son told the coroner: "My father was so used to electrical connections that he did this one wrongly. The fact that he had no shoes on killed him." Stripper, 27, Barely Clad For Court For Exchange USED Lumber, boards 2x4's, 9' 9" ling, also 2x6's, 2x8's, 9 ft. long, 832-17th Ave. So. 1 DOGTeMeirTTt.

14 with Ige. says he will ask the United States to set up missile bases in Thailand if any of Thailand's neighbors go Communist, the Bangkok World reported today. and screens, upstairs unfinished, take alt $13,500. Small down payment. INCOME PROPERTY WE havo several to select from 2 bdrm with expansion, Waite Park, $5,900, LAKE cabin for house trailer.

BL 1-9307. insulated dog nouse, BL 1-7794. I Major League Leaders 330 ACRES, full set of bldgs. 100 acres 1-53 PONTIAC car with Olds engine, 1120 tractor with plow and cultivator, 1 TD6 Int. Cat, 1 '53 Ford tractor with 4000 lb.

sheman fork lift, see or call Aug. Brutger, Watkins, PO 4-2318. HOME MADE car cooler, me." The judge said there are three indictments and two warrants on hand. All stem from a $24,000 bank robbery in the Maine town eight years ago. Green's letters didn't indicate what he plans to do with the information.

He is serving a 25-year term. Lakeshore Property WE need more listings of homes. If you want to sell your home, why not Benton county commissioner, fourth district. Mr. Thometz, 62, has been engaged in the plumbing business for the past 15 years and also has had experience in road construction and various other businesses.

He is active in civic and political affairs, and is experienced in local government at the township level-. He is married and has one son, Phil, Jr. try us. We can sell it if it can be sold Call BL 1-5652 and we will come out 3tS BL 1-7794. I 2-WHEEL trailer, very good shapeT BL 2-4341.

upright, KarlinskFi Funeral Home, Royalton, Minn. GERt'S "an "expert "at uses Glaxo plastic type linoleum coat- McCORMICK Deering 28 inch threshing machine with drive belt, good, good ready to go, cash or will trade for livestock. Otto Lezer, route 2, Sauk Kapids. tel. Foley 304W3.

EDUCATIONAL SALESMAN (in DIRECT SALK.SMAN. Must he stile to close a sale. Have experience In direct sales. Unlimited leads Opportunity to earn minimum pi $200 weekly Start at once. Write resume In- cludlng Phone Write A-2S co Jlmes.

Rooms for Rent A HOME awsy from home. Fox Hotel 8th Ave. 2nd St. No. Dial BL 1-9735.

SLPG rms. (or Gents, 863-lSth Ave. BL 2-1674. DOWNTOWN, lsTiTifpTlitTiwiv-mi. 8 hath, gent, BL 21094 HM lady prefered.

21413th Av. 'to. NEWLY redecorated, slpg. girl, l)9-6th Ave. So.

HSKP gents. BL 1-2483. VRJNO men to share apt. BL2-3I94 vIaTj. furnished housekeeping rm Prefer elderly or working ladv BL 2-3939 r.F.NTS preferred.

48 MiKlnley PI, No. t.KNTS. baseemnt hskp. prlv. mg.

swan waxing, central Paint Co. Gunmen Get $1,500 NEW YORK AP) Al Hoffman, 58, who with Dick Manning wrote such popular songs as "Heartaches," "Papa Loves Mam-bo" and "Mairzy Doats," died Thursday in the Hospital for Joint Diseases. LATE models tandem, IHC trucks, 4 field choppers, Welter Imp. St. Michael.

Minn. cultivated, Holdlngford area, $17,000, Terms. 240 ACRES. 180 acres cultivated. Belgrade area, $24,000.

Terms. 80 ACRES. North Pralri area, $6500. Terms. 320 ACRES.

St. Stephen area, 86400. When Buying a Farm You Get mora For Your Money See: M. J. (Mike) Kuefler St.

Cloud. Minn. BL 1-5653 A VERY good 40 room home, other good can be bought equipped with 12 good cows, crops and machinery. 40 acre with mod. home, barn and garage on highway.

Full price $3,200.00. C. B. Carlson. Milaca, phone 355.

112 ACRES. 4' miles So. on Hwy. 23, George Hommerdlng. 6x6's, 3, 18 ft's, 78 Ft's.

Kindling for the hauling, cheap, 1315-lOth Ave. S.E., BL 2-4364. 22" McCORMICK Deering threshing ma- to see it. No obligation on your part. M.J.

(MIKE) KUEFLER REALTOR BL 1-5632 eve. BL 1-5652 or BL 3-4639 New listings 3 BDRM. rambler, 1 yr. old, liv. with dinette, bath, full basem*nt, oil heat.

S. E. side, $13,000. 3 BDRM. mod.

home, liv. rm. carpeted, din. Vt oil heat, West side, $7,500. Small down payment.

2 BDRM. 1 yr. old, liv. Ige. full oil heat, 9th Ave.

So.E. $11,600. HOME SITES 2 VERY desirable akeshore, permanent home site lots. 1 with bsmt. already located on Kremer Lake.


Dial BL 1-7902, Eve. 363-7606 COTTAGE on CameTlan Lake. Must be sold. Make an offer. NEW modern, all furnished on Little Rock Lake.

RIVER frontage, Mississippi River, So. St. Cloud. Ideal Bldg sites, For Full Details, See: M. J.

(MIKE) KUEFLER BL 1-5652 I.AKKSIIOHE lots on Little Rock Lake, small down payments snd easy terms, HI. 1-3379 cmne, witn belt, EX 3-3978, LeRoy Pollock, mi. E. of Opole. LOCAL EGG PRICES A-Largt 30 A-Medium 24 B-Grade 24 C-Grade 18 9:30 a.m.-St.

Cloud Poultry Egg Co. Davis Cuppers After Clay Title This Weekend CHICAGO (AP In a possible preview of Davis Cup championship competition, Bernard (Tut) Bartzen of the U.S. team and an Australian star, Rod Laver, meet in a semifinal battle today in the National Clay Courts Tennis Tournament. The winner will face the top man of the U.S. Davis Cuppers, Barry MacKay, for the championship Sunday.

The 32-year Bartzen, a pre-cisionist who won the Clay Courts crown in 1954, 1958 and 1959, will be up against a powerful player in the red-haired Laver. While Bartzen and Laver sat out men's singles competition Friday, MacKay turned on a burst of power and temperament in taking a three-hour marathon match from unseeded Jon Douglas, a 23-year-old Marine from Santa Monica, Calif. la the 90-plus heat, MacKay overcame faulty net play to outlast Douglas 4-6, 6-4, 10-12, 6-3, 6-3. The match ended with the 2,000 River Forest Tennis Club fans eoundly booing the Davis Cup star. MacKay, apparently disgusted by his numerous errors, sent his racket wizzing at the backcourt canvas during the 74-minute third set.

It just missed the head of a ball boy and nearly crashed over the canvas into the crowd. Later MacKay threw his racket toward the sidelines, making the net court judge duck. Then he started snarling at a ball boy. He threw a ball in the boy's direction and the lad began crying and was replaced. 26" BOYS bike, good BL 2-2101.

28" SCHWINN bicycle, good BL 1-3369. ELECTRIC tram, like new, 8 cars. Cost $30, price now $15. 24-15th Ave. No.

over FHA loan at 5Vtn int. $17,500. NO. 1189 Income Property w'2 complete Apts. that rents for $100 and $125 a month, furnished waU electric appliances and bsmt.

completely furnished, home 7 yrs. old, has small extra lot, has to be seen to appreciate, full price, $15,500. NO. 1188 Northeast Loc, stucco 2 story home, Vi bath and glazed In porch down, 2 bdrms. and bath up, finished bdrm.

wbath In bsmt. New birch kit. cabinets, dishwasher, garbage exhaust fan, alum, storms and screens. Many extras. Only $15,500.

NO. 1132-Out of City Limits, 5 rooms and bath plus a utility room, full bsmt. w3 room apt. breezeway wat-tached garage, lot 132x620, taxes $108, will sell on for $3,000 down at 5 int. Full price $18,500.

NO. 1183 Older 3 bdrm. home, west side, new oil furnace, wired for elect, stove and diver, $1,500 down, CD, 8W7 int. Full price, $5500. NO.

1152 Sunset Park, 5 room rambler w3 built-in separate din. area, attached garage, lot 142x150, landscaped, $17,400. NO. 2010 6 room rambler, Rt. 3, No.

River Road, 1 yr. old, home 26x44, lot 15x168, built-in 2 fireplaces, beam ceiling in separate din. room, finished attached garage, $19,500. Livestock, Poultry and Pets Mrs. Lodge Leaves $900,000 Estate WASHINGTON (AP) Elizabeth Lodge, mother of two U.

S. ambassadors, left an estate valued at $900,000 a petition for probate showed Friday Mrs. Lodge, who died July 1, is the mother of Henry Cabot Lodge, ambassador to the United Nations and John Davis Lodge, former governor of Connecticut and now ambassador to Spain. Each of the sons will receive a third of the estate. The remaining third will go to a daughter.

Baroness Helena Lodge de Streel of Brussels, Belgium. WORK AT THE VET'S THEN this spacious home on a big lOOx 250 lot should Interest you. Only 4 years old and very well planned, it has a 12x14 kitchen with built-in appliances, a beautiful living room, with lots of window walls. Three good sized bedrooms, tiled bath, 2 car garage and lovely yard. See this at $16,800.

HAMM KROLL, INC. 1400 St. Germain Street BL 2-2787 Evenings Call: BL 1-6670-BL 1-2922-BL 2-54U LOOKING Wright Ups Lead Slightly in Open WORCESTER, Mass. fAP) Mickey Wright was the heavy favorite to win the National Women's Open Golf Tourney today as it entered its trying, 36-hole final round at the Worcester Country Club. The San Diego, Miss posted her second straight one-under-par 71 Friday for a halfway total of 142 in her quest for an unprecedented third straight Open title.

The only other strong contender, Marilynn Smith of French Lick, posted scores of 72-72-144. Miss Wright held a five-stroke lead over the third-place entry-veteran Mary Lena Faulk of Sea Island, Ga. Paired one stroke in back of Miss Faulk at 1411 were Kathy Whitworth of Jal. N.M., and Marlene Bauer Hagge of Crystal River, Fla. In Daylight Raid MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Three gunmen, masked with bandannas and wearing dark glasses, decamped with an estimated $1,500 Friday after a daylight raid on the Pilot's Club Bar.

When one of a dozen customers look the raid as a joke, one of the intruders fired a shot over his head. Eight customers and the employes were hereded into a small back room before the trio departed. 3 BDRM. H4 story, liv, rm. car COPENHAGAN, Denmark (AP) The 700 delegates to next week's fifth international polio conference here can feel safer about heart attacks.

At two previous conferences, delegates died following heart attacks. This time In a room next to the main meeting hall will be a fully equipped heart clinic. For Sale or Rent peted, Ige. full basem*nt, oil heat, 2 blks. to St.

Anthony's church, $12,000. ST. LOUIS (AP)-Judge Rodney Weiss said Thursday it was "reprehensible and barbaric" to jail stripper Clarise Annjell overnight in the nude. He dismissed charges of performing a lewd act, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace, filed against the dancer. The city will appeal.

Clarise, 27, was dragged away screaming and kicking from her night club act by three detectives Wednesday night. The detectives carried her off to the paddy wagon clad only in a feather here and there and handcuffs. At the station house a matron took the costume for evidence. Then Clarise, wearing only spike heeled shoes, was clapped into a cell. Clarise refused to accept her street clothing from a matron.

Bui 12 hours later, faced with the prospect of wearing a baggy, white smock into court, she finally accepted her clothes and dressed. LOT on Island Wood hmC cheap, Steve FURNACES-BURNERS Installed new and used. Repairing, cleaning. For best price get Free Est. Terms arranged.

WEIDNER'S 20 4th Av. So. BL 2-3000 SMALL home, located on 1233 33rd Ave. 2 BDRM. Ilv.

bath Saner. HI. 2. St. Joe.

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League Batting (based on 180 or more at bats) Aspromonte, Cleveland, .325: Skowron, New York, .324. Runs Mantle, New York, 77; Maris, New York, 66. Runs batted in Maris, New York, 76: Skowron, New York, 66. Hits Smith, Chicago, 106; Mi-noso, Chicago, 105. Doubles Skowron, New York, 22; Siebern, Kansas City, 19.

Triples Aparicio and Fox, Chicago, Robinson, Baltimore, Maxwell. Detroit, Snyder. Kansas City and Mantle, New Y'ork, 5. Home runs Maris, New York, 31: Lemon, Washington, 24. Stolen bases Aparicio, Chicago, 24; Landis, Chicago, 14.

Pitching 'based on 7 or more decisions) Coates, New York, 9-1, Turley, New York and Stobbs, Washington, 6-2, .750. Strikeouts Bunning. Detroit, 118; Bell, Cleveland, 100. National League Batting (based on 180 or more at bats Larker, Los Angeles, Mays, San Francisco, .339. Runs Mays, San Francisco, 32nd Ave.

$4,200, $2,200 down, bal. $40 mo. No. Write Norbert Tholl, Star Route, Motley. Minn.

3 BDRM. mod. home, Uv. rm. carpeted, BL 1 3821.

slier 6. sifQ'. rm. tot 1 or girls. BL "LOOM.

CENTS. 824-4th Ave. 80. LIGHT cool slpg. BL 2.1268 or 1313 St Germ LOE.

rm. for rent, (or lady or girl, 230 12th Ave. No. 3 LAKESHORE cottages over 500' excellent beach, on tarvia Ir good clean lake. Art Myrom Agency, Sauk Centre.

COTTAGE uh, nirattM lawn, knotty pine finish inside. EX 3 3485. Bids on Village Improvements to Be Opened Soon COLD SPUING-Bids for th improvement of 27 blocks of village streets will be opened at the council meeting here Monday, at 7 30 p.m. The 27 blocks are located in various portions of the village and will receive blacktopping, with work scheduled to begin in the near future. Also included in the improvement plan for the village this year are storm sewers for portions of the west end.

The total cost of the blacktopping and storms sewers has been estimated at $156,000. SURGE Milkers Sales, Service, Dine-mann-Arnold Implement. St. Cloud. CHESTER White spring boars, Ray Lodermeier, St.

Joseph. YOU can now get a guarantee of SUiOO per year on the Jack Frost broiler layer egg program. If you are interested in producing eggs on a yearly guaranteed income basis, call for an appointment. Jack Frost Hatchery, IlM7th Ave. St.

Cloud, Minnesota. BREEDER stock mink, pasteiTarks," pearls, sapphire and platinum. Schuster Mink Ranch, Rt. 4, St. Cloud, BL 1-0530.

GOLDEN Ilmps7ready fbTftn' hunting, 630-5th Ave. S.E. But. Opportunities nice Kit. with din.

area, bath tiled, rec. double No. River river frontage. $18,500. 1 BDRM.

rambler, din. Uv, ON SALE: Liquor Bar, St. Cloud" top Instructions carpeted, Ige. built-ins, bath tiled, Ige. lot.

8th St. $15,000. No. 1159 One Bdrm. home.

10 yr. old, NEW DELHI, India AP Tibetan refugees in India presently total 21,000 and more are still coming down from the Himalayan Mountains, an Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman said Friday. corner location, County Scat, doing good volume. For Inform. Calli W.

F. HONER AGENCY 12-lOvj Ave. BL 1-7902 3 BDRM. mod. home.

Uv. din. area, bath tiled, full basem*nt, oil COMMERCIAL property-concrete block FOR A BUSINESS IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA? OR PERHAPS WANT TO SELL YOURS? OUR OFFICE FEATURES A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SECTION HAMM KROLL, Inc BL 2-2787 full city sewer and water, Dble. corner lot, completely modern, June possession, $5,500. NO.

737 South Side, older 4 bdrm. home in good hot water carpeted liv. drapes included, take over CD, monthly payments $70, has income possibilities, $8900. GOOD Friendly dog. Also Parakeets Canaries, Lake George BL 2-1698 building, 70' 26 plus lean-to.

Located on corner lot with three adjoining lots Priced to sell: Building suitable (or manufacturing or warehouse. Location 153 Cooper Avenue North. Call 4551 Howard ljke. Minnesota (or full AWNINGS light cool Permanent RAY-O-LITE FIBERGLASS Wesco Products Co. 3900 Division St.

BL 1-3817 NO. 1050 South Side, 2 bdrm. home, oak REG. Holstein bulls, serviceable age younger from high producing dams, have DHIA record, Eugene Jennissen, Sauk Centre, Minn. A.lfcTrerTEiigilsh Springer Spaniels, liver white, farm raised, alert Judith Mellin Is Aquatennial Queen MINNEAPOLIS AP Judith Mellin, 21-year-old University of Minnesota senior is ihc new Aiia-tennial Queen of the Lakes, picked Friday night from a field ol 40 candidates.

Miss Mellin was the candidate of a local coffee firm. Runnersup and chosen for her attendants were two other Minneapolitans the Judy Nelson, 20, and Marlene Rignell, 18. heat, Ige. lot. Murphy Add't.

817,500. 4 BDRM. Colonial, Uv. at din. nn carpeted, fireplace, ige.

full oil heat, attached double Ige. wooded lot, north River road, $26,000. BDRM. it. story home, liv.

kit. eating area, full bath, basem*nt, oU heat, out city limits $12,900. 3 BDRM. IV. tory, 5 yr.

old. Liv. wltb din. area, bath, full oil dble. River Ave.

Sauk Rapids, $11,000. 9th AVE. NORTH 3 BDRM. Ige. liv.

carpeted and fireplace wltb dinette, Ige kit. with din. area, bath tiled, vanity, colored fixtures, lull rec. Soviet Tunnel Nears Finish MOSCOW 'AP' The first section of a tunnel through the Hib iny Mountains of the Kola Peninsula has been completed. A U.

S. RB47 reconnaissance plane was shot down off the Oola Peninsula on July 1. The tunnel, the only one in the Soviet Arctic region, will be used to transport apatites from the mine to a dressing mill where the mineral will be turned into superphosphate fertilizer, Tass news agency said. MEXICO CITY (AP) Two patient pilferers made themselves a tidy fortune by stealing from the button factory where they worked. Police said Luis Magayon and Alvaro Valencia walked out with an average of 500 buttons a day and got away with a million buttons before Ihey were caught.

PIANO lessons, Shirley Jean O'Neill, BL 3-9173. Business Service BSMT. DIGGING SEWF.R li water trenching, black dirt (111 delivered, bulldozing, Jo Surma. BL 1-H7M SANiTARV CSSPOOL spfiC'' TANK PUMPING, BLDG. at REPAIRING, SEWER WATER UNES INSTALLED BL 1-8763.

SANITARY cesspool and septic tank cleaning, by alternate pumping and back jetting at 500 gal. per minute. 1st, cesspool walls are reopened. 2nd, the solids o( septic tank are completely mixed into a pumpable solution. EX 3-3305.

Joe Fiedler, Blc. BLACK DIRT. 9 YDS $3 95 Sod, Grading. Tree Service ready to train, Wayne Norman, Prin ton, R.F.D. 4, Ph.

767-W-l. thru out, 8 yrs. old, tile bath, carpeted electric stove, all curtains and drapes, garage, nice lot. ONLY $1,500. LUCKEMEYER RLTY.

51 Woodhlll Road. Fernwood BI, 1-8353, BL 2-1073 Or BL 1-7320 or BL 1-8466 DOES IT "PAY TO ADVERTISE? 69; Bruton. Milwaukee. 66. Runs batted in Banks, Chi cago, 80; Aaron, Milwaukee, 75.

Autos-Trucks Grand Rapids Youth On Top in Jaycee VIRGINIA, Minn. AP) Tim Jolin of Grand Rapids, one of northern Minnesota's most exciting young golfers, held a one stroke lead today as a field of 89 headed into the final 27 holes of the State Jaycee Junior golf tournament. Jolin, 17, shot a par-matching 106 over the first 27 holes Friday, finishing with a two-under 34 on the final nine. At slake arc Minnesota's four Pilot Is Killed In 'Wrong' Seat HOUSTON. Tex.

(APi-Because he was not in his regular scat an airline captain was killed here FYiday. Capt. SB. Blanchard. 39.

of Houston died as the wing of a Delta airline DC7 sliced into the AKC reg. Collie pups, 6 wk. old, also 6 wk. old Chihuahua pups, BL 1-7812. 4 MO.

old cross, Setter-Retriever pups, BL 2-2384. DACHSHUND puppy. BL J-36i4. 10 1200 LB. olrteinTieifers," IcTlreshen in early fall.

Arvid Johnson, Oak Park. TelS-W-l Foley. TINY Toy "TerrTer "puppies, $15 andupT Emil Papke, Milaca, Minn. CHIHUAHUA'S. AKC, me.

puppies') grown females. After 5 p.m. Mrs. Alfie Hanson, 703-Pine Street, Sauk Centre. Minn.

AKC reg! BeagieV, GarfielcT XcresT 25. BL 1-1694. FINANCE your new or used oar at special low rates, minimum down payment requirements, longest possible terms, available at Citizens Loan Investment 505 St. Germain. Dial BL 1-6422.

PARIS (AP) Parisian merchants and taxicab drivers are complaining that business is awful, in spite of a record number of tourists. They blame the guided tour. A Paris travel agency ARE YOU LISTENING? Brand new 24x22 wired and insulated building paneled with knotty pine. Make a great cottage or small home will move to your lot within a reasonable distance. $3300.

HAMM KROLL, INC. 1400 St. Germain St. Cloud BL 2-2787 Eve. BL 1-2922 or BL 1-5418 or BL 1-6670 First Plans for St.

Joseph Sewage Project Underway ST. JOSKI'H-Routine work i being completed on the village sewage project in preparation for advertising for bids. Leo Sadlo of the planning commission said that Richard A Teague, village engineer, will probably have his first plana ready by mid-August. Completion date for the collection and disposal plant undertaking is believed to be sometime late next spring or early summer. JOHN C.

MAY TREE li WWN SERVICE BL 1-5917 SOI), Krgrn Brothers. BL 1-5289, after 3. FOR SALE: Commercial Property. West St. Germ Street.

Write J. A. Miller. 404, Tacoma, Washington. FOR LEASE: TEXACO SERVICE STATION IN ST.

CLOUD, DOING VERY GOOD BUSINESS BL 2-3772 ON West Division Street, two fine properties sullahle for Investment. In-rome property or to promote a going business. One has 200 feet with an excellent building, approximately 50x TO. the other has 146 leet facing the highway with a lovelv home. Call for details on these properties, they can put you on easy street Milt HAMM KR0LL, INC.

HI. 2 2787 Office or Call BL 1-6870 BL 1-2922-BL 2 3411 SACRIFICE: Owner must sell now because of 111 health, grocery store in choice location. Doing exrell business. Full price. $4,900 for equipment plus Inventory Rent bldg with 2 apt.

For further Info, contact: LUCKEMEYER RLTY. BL 1-8553 or BL3-I073 BIG selection used trucka. IHC motor We Think So THAT'S why HAMM KROLL spends more to advertise your home for sale. But more important is a fully trained and well experienced staff of sale men following up every lead on your hnmp And that's also why more people are coming to HAMM 4 KROLL to wll their property. Call us if you have a horn to sell.

HAMM KROLL, INC. 1400 St. Germain Street BL 2-2787 SOD la veil or BL 1-7977 trucks Dial BL 1-9511 official said the popular all-ex co*ckpit of his Trans-Texas DCS 1953 FORD, 2 V-8, good rubber. BU 1-B075. pense-paid tours herd the tourists here.

Nobody else was injured as from one spot to another by bus the taxiing DC3 hit the parked BAsem*nTS digging, dragline cess pools, built and repair, and pumping cess pools trenching for sewer water, also black dirt (or sale. BL 1-3850. Tony Surma. places in the International Junior 1954 PLY Savoy. 2 radio, good Cottages for Rent SUNSET Beach Resort on Big Birch Lake Openings in Aug Reduced rates to Sept.

Mod cottages, safe, sandy beach, BL 1-78M or 63073, Freeport. Ll'LHAVEN Resort on Big Fish Lake. Cold Spring, Minn Cottages (or week beginning Aug. 6th and Aug. 20th AVAIL, now, cotlage (or rent on Grand Lake, BL 2-3362 UlWF.R Spunk Ukt al Avon.

HI. 1-5368. For Rent Office Space tnd It 3rd Floor Office space (or rent or leae. Honer Agency, BL 1-7902 OFFICE spsce on St. Germain, will re-jnodel de(orste, BL 1-2421 Help Wanted Male EXP body man, at least 3 to work to our up to date shop, top pay Call 1 Writ Fasrhtng Body Shop.

waeoni, Mlno. lo MEN for July 2ith. no phone calls, l-andy Parking Co. riF.AT appearing gas service station attendant, about 30, prefer chauffers II 'ens Write A 27 Times BRI'K layers, apply at new Junior High school. YOUNG single msn to lesrn used car reconditioning, good opportunity, steady pay.

must hsvt mechanical ability, apply to person I'icksrd Motor Co Help Wanted temalt HOUSEKEEPER, OLDER WOMAN live In private room. Personal TV Paid vacation Top wages No heavy work Mut be able to cuo. Call BL 2 4843 COUNTRY girl to work in nursing homeT writ co Times l.M' babysitter v.iv, Times WOMAN for ciaanlng, once a week, close bus line, ref required Write A 23 Ttme. relisble woman or girl, please Hat ref Ui letter iA spliratlon Write A 34 Times OLDER coupl or older lady to are lor elderly man to hi home. Writ.

A 26 ce Times. MP. wsltress wsnted. nest appearing, morning shift, no phone calls, apply afternoon only. Chefs Cafe lor convent, may live In.

it. HI. 2-2477. HEG. Morgan gelding, 3 yrs.

old, well broken, new saddle, BL 1-6114. or hired limousine and leave less )( 1955 STUDE. Champ, wagon, (after "if, Mays, San Francisco, 112. Doubles Pinson, Cincinnati, 25; Cunningham. St.

Louis, 23. Triples Pinson, Cincinnati and White. St. Louis, 8: Bruton, Hits Groat, Pittsburgh, 124; Milwaukee and Kirkland, San Francisco, 7. Home runs Banks, Chicago and Aaron, Milwaukee, 27: Mathews, Milwaukee and Boyer, St.

Louis. 20. Stolen bases Pinson, Cincinnati and Mays, San Francisco, 20; Wills, Los Angeles, 17. Pitching (based on 7 or more decisions) Williams, Los Angeles, 9-2, Roebuck, Los Angeles, 8-2, .800. Strikeouts Drysdale, Los Angeles, 156; Friend, Pittsburgh, 117.

time for shopping. 1 LARGE male co*cker, one year oldT BL 1-1428. Ave. ao. SCHERF.R carpet BL 1-3180.

SOD, delivered or laid HL 2 4844 or PROPINQUITY it DETROIT 'AP' Mary Barbara Doyle and Jerry Salkowski first saw each other in a nursery. They were born there Dec. 1941. The same doctor delivered both. In the first grade ol school they met again.

After the eighth grade their paths parted. They went to different high schools. Last month they met again at a graduation party at Mary Barbara's school. Thurnday ihey got a marriage license. They'll Ik- married next Thursday.

'59 AMERICAN Rambler Station Wagon, auto, like new, BL 1-5J80. '41 In good Call BL 2-4307. tournament, The four low scorers here qualify. One stroke behind Jolin was Paul Sanderson of Worthington. Dave Gumlia of Crosby had 108 and Kim Larson, St.

PauL, Jim Swenson, Anoka, and Bob McEI-haney, Breckenridge, were tied at 110. 1949 INT. KB-3. 1 ton pickup, with grain' DOX. 1'iai BL, I-37U4.

1957 BUICK Special, 4 dr7. blue whiteC very clean, priced to sell, BL 1-2349. BL M84. FOR sidewalks, drive-ways or any other cement work, also block laying. Call HL 1-2328.

after 6 lor free estimates. PORCHES enclosed snd constructed with DeVsc porch windows (See our adv. In yellow pages). WESCO PRODUCTS CO. 3900 Division BL I 3817 "LANDSCAPING SHRI HHF.HY, sod laved or delivered.

All vtm-k siiarrinleed Free esimuiies MATCHED team of horses, brood sowsi John Kroll. Rt. 1, Holdlngford, Minn. "HATCHING all summer the Indian River Broiler chicks, fastest growing, tenderest broiler in the United States also special broiler feeds at wholesale prices with chick order. Jack Frost Hatchery, 111.7th Ave.

St. Cloud." 3 YR. old Holstein cow7to freshen soon) lanrier Wicker, Kimball. Ph. EX 8-3127 GERMAN Shepherd pups, 8 wks.

old. German Shepherd crossed with red honr oon Hound, 1 yr BL 1-5799. 1959 CHEV. Impala like new. Office Equipment Air Force Destroys Veering Atlas VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif.

Ill The Air Force destroyed an Atlas missile 70 seconds after it left a launching pad here for a test shot into the Pacific The big missile was destroyed Friday when it veered off course. It blew up over the ocean and all the debris fell 'nto the sea. inquire at Mel's Phillips 66 Station, Princeton on Hwy. 169, or call Princeton 712-W-2, Mrs. Haiel Schmatz.

Royalton Man Heads Minnesota Moose ROYALTON -A local man the new president of the Minnesota Moose aaaociatiion. Alvin Maglich was elected Sunday as the fraternal order wound up its three-day convention at Ely. -iff IN CLEARWATER VILLAGE Just 12 miles and 10 minutes from downtown St. Cloud and adjacent to the park on the Clearwater River, Wc highly recommend this unique 9 room farm house that sets like a jewel in the center of 34 acres of oak, pine, and birch trees. This acreage is worth twice the asking price of $26,900 and we would like to prove it to you.

All modern, the house must be seen to appreciate the interior decor and the "homey" atmosphere. A 100 ft. horse barn adds to the utility of this property. HAMM KROLL, INC. 1400 St.

Germain St. Cloud, Minnesota BL 2-2787 Eve. BL 1-2922 or BL 1-5418 or BL 1-6670 1953 CHEV. 4 dr. perfect" shape.

BL 1-5918 loverdale Service. Dial BL 1-4010. I 1960 CORVAIH, near new, $1725. NEW Bel Air Biscayne, in stock. 1 bdrm.

bath, steam heat, dble. gar. $27,000, $5,000 down or wiU trade. INCOME PROPERTY 6 BDRM. mod.

home, Uv. fireplace, din. new cabinets, bsth, full oil ht all set up with student, complete. So. Side, $15,500.

4 BDRM. rambler, almost completed, built-in itove oven. Uv. rm, carpeted, bath tiled vanity. Oil hot water heat.

att. gar. 22nd Ave. $17,900. 2 BDRM.

rambler. Uv, rm. carpeted, nice with shape din. area, full rec. rm.

Oil heat, west side. $10,500. 3 BDRM. rambler. Ilv.

carpeted, Ige. kit. with counter, dinette, bath tiled, doubl Ige. lot, out of city limits, west. Veterans Hospital, $18,900.

3 BDRM. mod. with expansion up, Uv. din. rm.

carpeted, Ige. bath, full basem*nt. oU beat, close uptown. $12,500. WE HAVE very fine selection of new 3, 3 4 bdrm.

homes. $12,500 to $50,000 WEBB'S REALTY WEBB GULDE OWNER J03-19VS Ave No BI 1-8270 FHA FINANCING $300 DOWN THE finest materlsla. built In the home of your choice. FHA inspected and approved 30 yrs. KM A financing.

See MODEL, open every afternoon evening 808 22nd Ave. No. E. C. WILHELM, Broker BL 2-4718 BW Of" tffiS WEEK.

HUGE M'xJO' 3 BR rblr. Large kitchen It din sica Til bath. HW ht att gar. 6 yr. old.

acre landscaped yd NKAR college. Very clen 3 HR. 2 story home, targe Ilv rm. Full dining rm. bath.

Finished bsmt. $15,900. HOSP, area. Nearly new 4 IIH rblr Urge din. area.

3 baths, 1 tUed Pinter walls, oak trim. Att. gar. $19,800. FAMILY home or Income prop 6 Bit.

1 baths flood suulh lor Priced to sell. FERNWOOII Choice 3 BR rblr Kull din rm Carpeted Fireplace. Til bsth Many Millt Ins Hillside lor $24,000 CENTENNIAL Add BH rblr Kitchen built-in Carpeted. Tile hath Att. gar.

Sodded yd. S33.7M. SPLIT level hole wooded rlvri lot 3 BR ft den 39' carpeted Ilv rm, Fireplace. HW ht Alt gar. $36,000.

COLONIAL gardens Clean 3 III liuftg lias ht. Dining rm 3 lot, gar. IHJflO BUDGET priced home. Select from 2. Good south Inc.

Under 300 $M) dn, AL ZYLLA BL Mizell Escapes Troubles Now SAN FRANCISCO lAP) Wil-mer Mizell had his troubles in St. Louis, but the stringbcan from Vinegar Bend, is coming through for Pittsburgh ai-. the Pirates forge ahead in the National League race. Mizell, traded from the Cardinals May 28, won his fifth game for the Pirates Friday night, a nine-hit 4-1 victory over San Francisco. The decision put the league-leading Pirates 2 games in front of the Milwaukee Braves, who lost to Chicago.

Mizell was 1-3 before the trade He's now 6-5. "I was pitching good in St. Louis," he said, "but I kept having one-inning trouble." He drawled that the nine-hitter, in which he got out ol jam after jam, was far from his best effort, "but I'll take it because they scored only one run." The loner was Willie Mays' first inning homer, his 19th. Minor League Results nil. AMOC1ATBP pbk irtr oi Liue PnrUnnrt Seattle Taioma 9.

eramtnl 2. Spokane 10. Vancouver Salt Lake 9. San Diego International Cnlumhua 3. Richmond 2.

Jeriey City Miami 3. Other game poatponed. VOS CHEVROLET Holdlngford, Minn. 100 SPRINGERS, BL 1-1191. KOR ReaFFly Protection on Dairy" Cattle, there Is nothing better guaranteed.

Schwankl. The Sauk Rapids Druggist. LA Ace Makes Skipper Happy LOS ANGELES 'AP) Righthander Don Drysdale. the Dodgers' major league strikeout king, could justly celebrate on his 24th CABINETS, counter tops, no Job too small or too big. Free estimates.

Felling Wood Products, Walt Park, ML 2 5332. Clare Boothe Luce Is Hospitalized NEW YORK 'AP) Clare Boothe Luce, former U. S. ambassador to Italy, has entered Doctors Hospital for diagnosis of a gastro intestinal problem, her physician said Friday. 'Cooler' Predicted For Salt Lake City SALT LAKE CITY 'AP -The weatherman predicted the begin ning of the end today of Salt Lake City's record heat wave Today's forecast called for a high reading of between 92 and 96 degrees, and the weatherman said there might be further cooling by Sunday.

Friday the thermometer here read 102 degrees the ninth straight day the temperature has risen to 100 or higher RE A Aids Dakotas WASHINGTON AP) The Rural Electrification Administration Friday announced approval of a $300,000 loan to the West River Mutual Aid Telephone Corp. Hazen, N.D., to help finance improved service fr 289 subscribers and furnish initial service to 191 subscribers In Corson County, and in HMB County, D. Auger Kills Youth WHEATON, Minn. 'APi-Stuart Nelson. 14, was electrocuted Friday by an auger with which he was helping to unload grain on hisfather'8 farm four miles northwest of here.

He is survived by his parent- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nelaon, and two brothers. Upholstering Houses for Rent 1946 CHEV. truck, 14 ft.

bed It grain box, good cond. tires, tubes wheels. E. M. Hansgen, Richmond, Minn.

'41 MERCURY 2 dr. harttopTgoodondU very reas. Dietman Mobile Station, Sauk Rapids. BL 1-3655. "I think his brakes failed," a Delia official said.

"He ground and then hit the wing of our plane." Blanchard was on the right side of the co*ckpit where the first officer usually sits. First officer C.E. Turk, who could not be reached for comment, was reported to have been getting "inflight training in the pilot's scat. Flood Says Reds To Move into Berlin PHILADELPHIA APi Rep. Daniel Flood 'D-Pa says information he has on a buildup of arms and men leads him to believe there is imminent danger of a Communist military move against West Berlin.

Relying rm what he said are sources of "great integrity" out-lidt the government, Flood told the Pennsylvania American Legion Friday that such action by the vSoviet Union and its East (lerman satellite might come within 30 days. His speech came aft-r the White House and the Slate Department had disclaimed knowledge of similar reports. i birthday today. Senior Citizens Meet at Albany ALBANY Senior citiiena from thig area will meet Wednesday mi 7:30 p.m. in the Albany High WtlQOl.

The meeting will be strictly social with games and lunch. 1950 4 DODGE pickup, see MMlst AvT 28 FT trailer lor rent. Blue Skies Mobile Pat. IMkWiS. SMAU.

2 BL'i-iOMTTrT FOR RENT OR SALE Centrally located, South side, bdrm, mod. home, close to By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hitting Vic Wertz, Red drove in four runs Friday with homer and two singles in 6-4 victor over the Indians, Pitching Don Drysdale, Dodg ers, struck out 14. fanning last six he faced, and allowed just four hits for 2-0 victory over the Phillies, aner p.m. 8 PLYMOUTH, 2 drTIedan. radio aid" heater.

$65, 24 15th Ave. No. CENTRAL MINNESOTA'S MOST COMPLETE LINE OF OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE You'll find Unnecessary office auppUat: File foldera Paper clip Memo Pads. etc. Wilson Jones A Boorum Pease Supplied Central Minnesota's Largest Stationery Offict Supply Store SECURITY STATIONERS (.

ormcrly Fritz-Croaa Co Phone Your Orders We Deliver 36-30 Sixth Avenue North BL 2-1880 Miriwtt 9 i.MJvriiv, avn r. urn 9, ISSBSi 2-Car Collision Kills Moorhead Man FERGUS FALLS, Minn (API-John B. Schcidt, 69, Moorhead, died in a hospital here Friday night an hour after his car collided with another at an internee-'kin in nearby Elizabe" Greg Erickscm. Minneapolis, driver of the second machine, was reported in fair condition at Lake Region Hospital, The death carried the Minnesota traffic toll to 335, up 25 from a year ago today. As the Dodgers looked toward Roger Craig tonight and Stan Williams Sunday to hold the Philadelphia Phillies in check, the club was still keeping the heat on the front-running Pittsburgh Pirates and Milwaukee Braves.

Drysdale's brilliant 4hit, It strikeout, 2-0 shutout over the Phils Friday night moved the Dodgers back into third place, one percentage point ahead of the St, Louis Cardinals They gained no ground on the Pirates but moved up to just 31 games behind Milwaukee. FURNITURE upholstered, restyled, mod-ernlzed. Most modern and completely equipped shop in the area. We also make new custom built furniture to your specifications. We use either spring or Goodyear AlrFoam cushioning.

Estimates made In your home dav or evening. Free PICK UP and DELIVERY anywhere In the Trade Area Terms If desired. Haplrlt UPHOLSTERING. Sauk Raplrla B1- mi FURNITURE upholstered, repaired, re-styled and modernized Also custom made furniture Free estimates from established firm Day or evening appoint ments. Free pickup and de livery.

ST. CLOUD TENT AND AWNING CO 2121 Divisioo St. BL 1-0922 Transportation to San Francisco leavuu Jul OPEN HOUSE Sat. Sun. Afternoon Evening JULY 23 24th Don't put it off.

Inquire how you can or why you cannot own your own home. You have everything to gain! St. Cloud's First Low Down Payment FHA Financing. E. C.

WILHELM, BROKER UL 2-4718 Man Dies After Fall HILLS, Minn. AP Burt Sneidcr, 40. perished Friday after falling into a cesspool he had been cleaning at the home ol Gerrit Van Etiglconhoven home. Volunteer, and firemen worked in vain to revive him after Sneider was removed, unconscious, from the pit. He was a well and pump repairman.

COMPARE! Our earning opportunity with any other where you choose your own hours. Call Today AVON COSMETICS Writs Miss D. A. Henderson, Bethel, Minn. 1959 Chev.

Must Sell Now have Company Car Best Offer. Fk BL 1-552S Bloodmobile Visits Eden Valley July 27 EDEN VALLEY The blood-moblie will be here on Wednesday. It will again operate from the Community building from 3 7 p.m. school Church. Liv.

rm. arpcled draped, auto. Tim-ken heat also bath Ige pandtd ree rm in base. Beau tiful yard. Avail Aug.

lat. Call tor appointment after fi p.m. BL 1264 Boxing By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS San Juan. Puerto Rico Isaac Logart. 148, Havana, stopiied Roger Harvey, 146, Bermuda, 6.

St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.